got this for being member of organizing committee English Month 2006 hehe...like it sooooo mucchhh yes! a glass full of sweets yummiiieee....tapi kan...nak komplen laa...I really hate the quality of pic taken with Nokia 2.0 MP nih!!! rase cam ambik guna 1.3 MP jerk! punye lah huduh...ishhh better lagik my former sony ericsson 2.0 tu...huaaa auto focus lagik...this one..quite hampehhss tapi bleh ampun ler sebab 3G hmmm...yg hubbyku punye tuh tak gak teruk camni tapi tu lain model grrrr...ni mesti salah label nih..tipu ek....ker sebab me tatau amik gambo..?? *blushing*