Thursday, December 30, 2004

DaisypathNext Anniversary Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

yippiiiiii tomolo i'll be on leave until 4th Jan 05...balik kampung... O..O..O balik kampung...hati girangggggggg budak kecik jer..dah nak jadik mak budak pun!!! huh..what to do...that's the way i am...i couldn't pretend tho... *grin*
so, as for recap of 2004...erm nothing much to list down...because i dun ever did the listing actually haha...except...for the unforgettable moment...hehe my wedlock last 27th wedding day on the 28th - 29th August (carved on my wedding ring :D) and the day i was officially confirmed pregnant last 15th October (1st day fasting)...ermmm what else aah..?? oh not convo day on the 2nd October...yeahhhh what a recap huh...
well nothing much to jot down..this is the last entry for entry will be of course in the new year mood ;p till then...Happy New Year...may ALLAH bless us..Amiin....

AzFiedah blogged on 11:59 AM

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

DaisypathNext Anniversary Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

hmm tadik aku attend seminar..saje jer nak hilangkan kebuhsanan yg melanda hehe...seminar aper..?? jgn ketawa! ahahhh seminar "Di ambang usia emas" hek eleh...bunyik cam utk warga emas jer nih...memang pun...sumer participants tadik tuh..di kalangan umur 40 ke atas...yg paling muda ialah of course aku & member opis yg 3 org tuh...hihi...kelakar beb!
tapi pengisian utk seminar ni...wahhhh memang besh...memang tak sesia aku mengabihkan mase awal pagi turun kat dewan tuh..just to attend the seminar! besh wooo tak boring...byk info aku dpt..utk bekalan..walaupun aku nih bukan kaki ceramah...tapi sekali-sekala tuh kalo besh layan gak oiii..lebih² motivasi cam ni...
lunch pun provided...hehe tu la paling besh...makan pun sodapppp...burp! ooppss bau ikan sepat masin.. ;p balik jer dah pukul tak dpt balik umah la..terus jer pegi ofis..hmm rindu lak tak jumpe hubby ari nih *sigh* cehh mcm ler tak leh jumpa balik nanti...hik hik hik

AzFiedah blogged on 2:58 PM

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

DaisypathNext Anniversary Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

ermmm...takziah untuk semua negara yg dilanda Tsunami ahad lepas...sedih tgk berita lepas²...semua kawasan dah jadi padang jarak padang tekukur...lagi sedih bila ada yg kehilangan kaum keluarga...anak..bini..suami..mak..bapak.. :~(
mcm tak caye jer biler hubby first informed ader ombak besar kat Penang, Kedah..Langkawi..heran gak..ombak aper nih..?? biler hubby sebut jer gempa bumi..baru teringat masa blajar Geografi dulu² mase bujang²...ooohhh Tsunami rupanya...hmmm terdiam jap biler dgr pusat gempa tuh tak jauh dari Malaysia...seb baik ader Pulau Sumatera tuh hadang sikit jer negara kiter nih...kalo tak..lagi dahsyat dari Sri Lanka atau India tuh!!! Masyaallah...
ermm ni baru jer kuasa Allah yg Dia tunjuk sikit..mungkin ader hikmah dan pengajaran atau iktibar yg kiter kena ambik..hmm teringat peristiwa ribut Greg di Sabah..beberapa thn dulu...sama gak..waktu Krismas lagik tuh...hmm kawasan pedalaman dilanda ribut..??? hey kenape..?? tak pecaye ye..?? sume pun tak pecaye!!! tapi kuasa Allah...wallahua'lam..

AzFiedah blogged on 10:02 AM

Monday, December 27, 2004

DaisypathNext Anniversary Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

this morning i went to antenatal clinic for my 2nd visit...walla...what a long queue till my turn is up...hehe..what was interesting then..?? ahhhaaa..i did my first ultrasound of course...gheeee i got this nervous + anxious + excited feeling!!! whoaaaa ;p

well at first..i have to see the nurse first for normal checking..yeah..take my blood pressure..ermm then i was asked to lay down..then she checks for my baby's heart beating...uhhhhhhh so cute...even though to search for my baby's position was oh so is still so tiny deep in my womb..poor baby..then ahhh heard this dup..dup..sound..then the nurse said..finally there's your last..then..soon after that..i've been given an i remember the feeling being injected cause i don't even remember when was the last time i got it :~(

the final appointment is of course with the doctor..this time i was so anxious..dunno why..hehe..maybe because it's my first time experience..and i was alone :( they don't allow husband to accompany their wife tho...then again..i lay down..the doctor rubbed some liquids..dunno what's the name..haiyyaa i'm sensitive to tickling hehe...then that sensor moves around my lower tummy...the doctor said my period date is accurate..cehh 'see the leg' wonder the baby is grown accordingly..follow the timeline..whooo that's my baby! ;D like mother like baby la hooo ehehe..

ok lah...that's all..hehe next time update lagi..hmm to is our 4th month anniversary promise me 'Kungfu Hustle' tonight...hehe better remind him of our movie date tho..chiowww

AzFiedah blogged on 1:00 PM

Friday, December 24, 2004

DaisypathNext Anniversary Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker



AzFiedah blogged on 10:32 AM

Thursday, December 23, 2004

DaisypathNext Anniversary Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

well...eheh...erm first of all...just wanna note that i wrote this entry to express what i'm feeling rite now..erm i mean...not exactly at this time..huh..actually what i feel in my condition rite now...yeahhh that's it...hope fellow bloggers understood..hehe eheh cam bunyik disclosure gitu..keh keh.. for some bloggers know..especially my aunty...i am going to be a mummy! hik hik *blushing*...ohh soooo sweettttt...that's why i noted it at the 1st place..cuz i'm afraid this issue is sensitive...heyyy of course it's sensitive! what a duhhhh... :)
this entry is meant for sharing k..i'm 'new' got a lot of ???????? inside my mind...thanks to my Sis Ana...for her colleagues...hehe...and the rest...huh takyah la mentioned nama k..bukan masuk news pun...haha
i'm now entering the 2nd 3 months of pregnancy..huh perut..?? tak la beso pun..still maintain gitu...ader buncit sket jer..hik hik...all my colleagues will ask the same question...almost everyday! warghhh boring nyerrr!!! "eh sik nampak besar pun..." "dah brapa bulan..?? kenak kecik gilak perut ya.." :( what should i say..?? "dunno lah...maybe ikut mummy dia ni kot..kecik jugak!" haaa padan! i feel like hiding whenever i met them! goshhh gimme a break la..!
never mind la kan BABY...kecik² cili padi! hehe only my sister-in-law realized that my tummy is getting bigger...not that big la...hmmm just nice gitu...padahal..aku yg rase...BABY makin besar...every night i couldn't sleep well...ermm and so as hubby...i keep on holding his hand cuz i feel uncomfortable...keep on changing my askar gitu..ekekeke
morning sickness..?? huh thank GOD...i'm getting ease of it! punye la sengsara masa this time no chicken for me..dunno when will it over...maybe after i due..hmm maybe..poor BABY...mummy just wanna eat seafood all the time... :) some said BABY must be a BOY...hmm whatever! org umah pun sumer nak BABY BOY! BABY BOY! wahhh semangatnyerrrr...ihiks...
well better stop now..ermm tomorrow half day...yeaaaaaaaaahhhhhh...hafta go shopping for my Sis usual..GREY contact lenses hehe...

AzFiedah blogged on 1:17 PM

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

DaisypathNext Anniversary Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

hishh boring sungguh hari ini dan hari² yg seterusnya sbb tgl aku sorang jer kat bilik opis aku nih..member lain dgn riang nyer ngabihkan cuti annual leave yg berbaki ber'billion²' tuh...huh kalo ler aku byk cuti kan ker besh...bukan nyer dok dpn pc cam urg buduh camni! eishhh geram nyer....lambatnyerrrrrrr 31hb nihhhhhh....
untuk mengurangkan tahap kebuhsananku ini...hihi..aku dgn eksen nyer..bawa speaker sendiri coz..dlm bilik ni..aku sorang jer takdak speaker..huh buring sungguh!!! pastu aku pasang ler RP kuat²...takder org nak lagu² yg hitz giler kunun nyer lah...hik hik...tapi aku tetap boring! sebab takder org nak bwk citer...hishhh naper la aku tak bleh cuti ek..?? trn keja bukan buat aper pun...membazirkan api letrik..air...kompeni jerrr...hmmm got to stop now..buring giler nih!!!! warghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

AzFiedah blogged on 4:00 PM

Friday, December 17, 2004

DaisypathNext Anniversary Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

yuhuuu...i'm counting the days before I off to KK!!! huiihhh excitednyer...hik hik...lagi pula my cuzzie Kaci...balek KK ari makin la tak sabo nak balek yewwww...KK here I come...erm aper nak bawak balek nanti ni haaa..?? ehemm as usual..ikan terubuk masin...ermm kek lapis..hishh dah lepas raya pun maseh nak beli jugak..?? hik hik...saje jer bagi sedara mara buah tgn...sikit sorang...cukup ler kan..kang majuk laks..hihi..buruknyer makcik² majuk eh..??
dlm ke'excited'an dan keterujaan yg amat sgt nih..hubby lak monyok jer..hik hik...nak ikut la tu.. :( kesian hubby...jgn lak last² minute tetiber hubby buat seprais nak ikut..hmmm rusak plan aku..hek hek...jahat nyer wife hubby ni ek..takder la...pegi pun bukan lama...kejap jer..yg penting nak ambik sijil nikah..tu jer..tu la diorang kuarkan lambat sgt...4 bln lagik tuh..heishhhh...nasib baek dpt cuti advance...kalo tak..hmm mau diorang suh aku apply unpaid leave...deduct RM50 each day...ohhhh tak sanggup...gaji dah ler cukup mkn..kalo deduct lagi...huh takkan nak pakai duit 'baby' lak...hishhh tak bolehhhhh...mau hubby ngamuk kalo guna duit 'baby' ngeeeee...
berikut adalah plan yg telah diatur dan setakat ini dipersetujui oleh my Sis Ana:
1. 31/12/04 - Beli contact lenses kaler GREY for my Sis Ana...then dlm kol 15:55pm Off from KIA to KKIA...expected arrival time is 17:05pm depending on the wheather la..mintak² cuaca bagus...aku ni phobia sket nih..hik hik...then maybe my cuzzie Kaci will fetch me at the airport..then will send me to my Sis Ana's house...I'm going to spend a night there because...ehehhee we are going to 'melepeks' di Anjung Senja...wuiiyyoo...makan²...amik angin..and beloyar sampai new year 2005!!!
2. 01/01/05 - ermm our journey continues to..mana lagi kalo tak kg tersayang...hik hik..iyahhh kg. surapit tuh...huhu...hopefully Kaci will drive..or ermm i tink Boy la..since Boy balek cuti gak..hmm still in planning far...OK la...nanti plan lagi...cehhh mcm la cuti tuh panjang...
ermm okies..I've wrote too much..hehe ye ker..?? ermm till then..bubbyee

AzFiedah blogged on 8:57 AM

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

DaisypathNext Anniversary Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

alas.....ehehhee ni baru jer tukar nih..ehemmm tak nyempat² eh...tak sabo ler pulak...anyway..tak tau ler skins nih bertahan sampai biler..kalo aku boring..tukar lagik..ehehhe takder keje...carik keje lah jawab nyer...hmmm okies...chow for lunch...nak balek nih...windu kat hubby auuwww...hik hik gatal!

AzFiedah blogged on 1:50 PM

DaisypathNext Anniversary Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

yahuu....akhirnya...aku berjaya juga men'cuti'kan diri starting from 31/12 - 04/01 ini...ermmm bolehlah...dapatlah balik KK jap..pastu new year eve tuh..haha tido umah my Sis Ana lah..nak lepak kat Anjung Senja..makan² and tunggu mercun & bunga api dari Sutera Harbour and STAR...walaupun cuti aku tak least...better than nothing rite..??

ermm ni skin 'cemeh' yg aku tepakse guna pasal skin ari tuh...ntah ader problem aper ntah...nantilah aku rajin sket aku surf yg baru..hehe utk thn baru ni nanti...dah lah some of the posting hilang...cis...brengsek betul la...

ok lah...updates to you all later...babaiiiiiiii

AzFiedah blogged on 10:09 AM

+Me, Myself and I+

+Preity Fiedah+
+Sweet 27 born on 9th July 1980+
+Married to a wonderful man, Azwaddy+
+Mommy to a cute lovely baby girl, Ashadieyah+
+Location: Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia+
+Japanese Name: Raicho Arakida+

My Mood...

The current mood of preity_fiedah at
